fjern søgeboks

Efterlysning fra skole i Barcelona: Partnerskole søges

Friskolernes Hus har modtaget en efterlysning fra en skole i Barcelona, som er interesseret i at indlede et samarbejde, hvor elever og lærere kan mødes mindst et par gange om året.
Af: Peter Højgaard Pedersen, Friskolernes Hus

Interesserede kan læse efterlysningen her, og opfordres til at kontakte skolen ved hjælp af nedenstående adresser.

"My name is John Robison and I am living and teaching at a public middle school in Barcelona, Spain.

We are looking for schools in Northern Europe to partner with this year so we can help mutually foster learning and understanding as well as boost English-language skills. 

Our school is a brand new public middle school called Institut Maria Espinalt. It's our second year and we have 240 students. We'll be adding on grades until we reach the last year of High School, so we'll end up with around 720 students in the next four-five years.

We're very forward-looking and non-traditional and the bulk of our work is project-based. I've been tasked with making our school more international, and finding opportunities for students to meet other students from the north of Europe. Ideally, what we have in mind is to dedicate several hours a week (2-3) to working on a project with one or more schools where we spend time getting to know one another individually and collectively, and learning about one another's culture while also learning more about a pre-determined subject (such as how our neighbourhoods have changed over time.)

Our ideal goal would be to have at least two face-to-face meetings over the course of the school year - one in the country/countries we partner with and the other in Barcelona.

Our students are 12-13 years old and we'd have approximately 30 students participating, using English as the vehicular language.

This is a work in progress and nothing is set in stone.
I'd really like to talk to you if you're interested and see if we could concrete things more.

Here is my contact info: 

<link mail internal-link><link mail internal-link>  OR <link mail internal-link>

All the best,
John Robison"

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